Key Features

Build Product Master

Easily upload your product Data and images.
Fill Excel template with your Product attribute values and upload.
Import 2D and 3D images and Automatically map to product IDs.

Build and Save Assortments, Collections, Grid Views

Easy to use commands, templates will automate building line plans.
Add .jpg, .png, short videos, Gifs, tables, charts, graphs To your collections.
Add background colors, Text, Comments, sticky notes to Make collections meaningful.
importCreated with Sketch.

Import Assortment boards

Bring in Previously prepared assortments, collections mix up the boards, build new presentations

Innovative Blue i

All attribute values, Buy data Along with multiple product Images are shown in one pop-up

Product Attribute Manager

Many ways to show attributes On the board, custom designs Even you can hide temporarily
algorithms-and-data-structures/algorithms/quicksort Created with Sketch.

Sorting and Grouping

Use amazing sort and group Functions to decide how you Want to present your collection To your buyers

Align, distribute, stack, overlap

Very easy to use all of these to Perfectly place your product selection

Import and Open PPT, PDF, Excels

Amazing to see how your PPT and PDF pages open up on the canvas Bring Excels and tables too

3D image management

You can import .glb 3D objects, Use custom viewer to see it the way you want, and using advanced algorithms compress down to 10% to show it better..

Connect OneDrive, Google Drive and DropBox

Bring all your marketing data, PR info And product info by connecting to these Commonly used storages.

Real-time updates and refreshes

With API connectivity your data On board is always accurate.

Collaborate, Form Teams

Create Teams and share your Documents, use @connect and stay in touch with your team members

Simultaneous Edit, work together

It is easy to join in large groups and Work together on the canvas. (15 simultaneously can work)

Export across other platforms-

PDF, PPT, Excel, Reports, Microsoft 365, Google Drive

Fantastic scroll and zoom

Bring your images and marketing Stuff to life .. move around, Zoom and maximize use of This infinite canvas.

Create Containers

Capture anything from canvas Drop in a container Make many containers Use as Slide presentations

Dedicated Dashboard

Every document you create Is saved on the dashboard It also offer many functions In a dedicated wheel.

Manage & Analyze Sales data

Use built-in tools such as Recap, Top 10, Top 20 analysis Bring and embed Power BI URLs

Enterpise accounts get API real-time Connections to PIM, PLM, DAM

Fantastic integration gives real-time Data transfer into the boards.


Mood Boards: replace manual management on platforms like Canva or Miro, enabling seamless collaboration and enhancing productivity.

Dynamic reports

Dynamic reports in Line Planning stay updated with real-time data, empowering informed decisions and adaptable strategies.